[Sorting Empowerment] Jiexun Sorting Technology Senior Seminar Held in Different Places

[Sorting Empowerment] Jiexun Sorting Technology Senior Seminar Held in Different Places

publishdate:2024-01-12 views:489

“Customer first and service foremost”. In order to serve customers at higher quality and provide them with sustainable values, Jiexun held sorting technology senior seminar many times in different pilots nationwide since October 2023, which made a success and received wide appraisal from customers.

Guided by customer demands, Jiexun Optoelectronic Sorting Technology Senior Seminar was focused on pains in after-sales service work and tailored for technicians. The seminar took the form of “teaching + interaction”, aiming to promote cooperation using knowledge and achieve common progress.

Theory combines with practice: scenario-based training on tea sorting process

Hengxian County Tea Sorting Technology Training Seminar included not only detailed explanation of Jiexun DF tea color sorting knowledge, but also on-site operating skill training in workshops. This combination of theory and practice enabled operators to be more capable of dealing with complicated situations in processing, and really helped customers get improvement in both quality and benefit.

Case sharing: Jiexun being far ahead in rice sorting technology

In Wuchang County Rice Sorting Technology Training Seminar, Jiexun engineers introduced and analyzed the characteristics in the processing of Wuchang rice through sharing related technical cases. The in-depth communication of sorting technology involved technical engineers from big rice mills in an active atmosphere.

Widely popular and deep into people’s heart

Customers who attended the seminar thought Jiexun seminar contained different forms and rich content, which is important to improve their professional tech ability, and expressed their sincere thanks to Jiexun for organizing the seminar.

Sorting technology seminar one after another and communication of sorting technology time by time are the recognition of Jiexun sorting technology, and more the yearn for new processing technologies.

Next, Jiexun will hold sorting technology communication seminar in different places around the world, continuously promote the value proposition that Jiexun sorting technology leads sorting industry comprehensively, let sorting technology reach all areas, fields and families, create the health concept that technology empowers food with safety, promote the full application of sorting technology and realize the beautiful vision of “letting the whole world enjoy the best quality food”!